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Taking care of energy

The energy we use to run the computer, to light our house or to heat the water in the shower, is provided by our planet. However, as we exploit our natural resources more, they are depleted. Giving them a logical use will help us  take care of the earth .

Let’s face it, who has not left a light on unnecessarily, or has not recycled correctly or has used the car for a short journey … I do. The first thing we have to do is apply energy measures ourselves, but it is also essential to teach our children from an early age how to save energy with a few simple measures that they can implement themselves.

Tips for children to save energy

  1. It is not necessary to drive everywhere, a family trip to our destination if it is short,  a bicycle ride or even go by public transport is a very ecological practice and helps to save energy.
  2. Turn on the lights when you really need them, meanwhile, take advantage of the natural light.
  3. Teach your children to turn off the lights once they leave the  room . Sometimes we don’t realize it and most of the house is unnecessarily lit.
  4. When your children are young, the ideal is to  bathe them , since they do not have enough stability to shower. However, as soon as you see that they can stand in the shower without problems, substitute a shower for the bath.
  5. Teach your children the  value of recycling . Educate them so that they know the different types of recycling and where they should throw the garbage according to its nature.
  6. When they finish watching pictures on television or their favorite program, do not turn off the television with the remote control, but with the switch. Many computers continue to use electricity even when they are turned off. It is convenient to unplug if your TV does not have a full off button.
  7. Leading by example is the best way. If you leave the mobile plugged into the charger despite having finished charging, open the fridge for longer than necessary, put food in it that does not need cold to keep itself or your computer is always on, it will be difficult for them to learn good energy habits.
  8. Your children can help you with the laundry and you can take this time to teach them another trick to use less energy: do not use a dryer, but let the sun dry the clothes.
  9. If we are going to  wash our hands before eating and it is not very cold, it is not necessary to open the hot water tap, we can wash our hands with cold water.
  10. Check if you have low-consumption light bulbs at home or there is still some incandescent. The low consumption ones use five times less than the incandescent ones and have a useful life up to 15 times longer.

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